MMA Fighting

The A-Side Live Chat with Molly McCann

Episode Summary

For this episode, UFC flyweight Molly McCann joins José Youngs and Petesy Carroll to discuss some of the top story lines in the world of MMA. Some topics include the rumored UFC card on May 9, McCann's life during quarantine, the time she saved a woman from human trafficking, the origin of her name "Meatball," the MMA scene in Liverpool, and, of course, her dog Frank.

Episode Notes

For this episode, UFC flyweight Molly McCann joins José Youngs and Petesy Carroll to discuss some of the top story lines in the world of MMA. Some topics include the rumored UFC card on May 9, McCann's life during quarantine, the time she saved a woman from human trafficking, the origin of her name "Meatball," the MMA scene in Liverpool, and, of course, her dog Frank.